A Simple Prosperity Prayer For Today

This isn't just any prosperity prayer for millions of dollars or for new Jordans and junk. This is normally a hard time of year for many people, many worrying about money, family, bills, the list can go on and on. Im adding this because sometimes my may feel 'poor of spirit' so to say. My aim is to enrich your spirit and to remind you where the real riches in life come from.

Burn your favorite incense, Thursday is usually the best day for abundance petitions or prayers.

I am rich with the gifts of the Earth, stability and longevity.
I am blessed by the presents of Air, inspiration and communication.
I am wealthy wit the offerings of Fire, the spark of passion and spirit.
I am filled with the gifts of Water, creativity and emotion.
I am rich beyond my dreams, wealthy and fabulously taken care of.
I am loved and cherished, good enough as I am.
The Goddess loves me and will provide for me.
All is well in my world.


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