Guerrilla Gardening!!! Coolest Ever!!

Ok, so I was on Etsy and was writing my orders and all that down and started looking around in the plants and edibles section... I found the coolest thing!!! SEED BOMBS!!! Ok, maybe you are already in the loop, but I had never seen them before. Wow, where have I been?
Ok, seed bombs are like balls or disks, that are packed with seeds, like wildflowers and such with compost and a planting medium that are added with water and formed into balls and thrown to give areas a burst of color. These would be awesome in urban areas! How f'in cool would that be?
Theres some sellers that have veggies, flowers and something else, I cant remember cuz I was just so excited to see such a cool thing.

This would be a super cool thing to make with the kiddies. They loved playing in the dirt with mommie when we had a big garden. they would LOVE this! Just think about how many places you walk by or drive by in your day that could use a burst of new life, some color! People get inspired when they see things that may not belong in a vacant rundown lot, but look at those beautiful wild flowers! How cool?

I must admit that for a second the movie, A Color Purple popped in my head when I thought about this. Especially when your watching the movie, yes they were farming and all, and there are lots of shots and scenes in the movie where there was land with dirt roads and sparatic grass here and there. Then you get the most beautiful scene where Miss Ceilie and Shug are walking among beautiful purple wild flowers and just soaking up their beauty. Its a stunning image really when you think about it.

I dont know about you, but when Im on the highway and on a long ride, the one thing that always makes my head turn is a patch for wild flowers or tiger lilies in all their wonderful glory. Life is so much better when theres some beauty in your world. Sow some seeds, make someone else's day when they walk or drive by . Think about it.



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