Out With the Old, In With the New...

After a lot of thought, and a two month brake, I've decided to leave Etsy permanently. Which came because of a change in their policies, and some of the products I provide. They no longer wish to have certain items and a lot of the items they no longer want listed, I sell... As much as I love the community, I just can't compromise. So, I've decided to open an Artfire.com store, as well as a Zibbet.com store. Both are kinda "under construction", but are already up and going with a products. Here are the links to both stores: My Zibbet Store- http://www.zibbet.com/GypsyMagiQ My Artfire Store- http://www.artfire.com/ext/shop/studio/GypsyMagiQ I hope to see my old customers, and I look forward to meeting new ones! Much Love! ~Gypsy
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