New Listings for 10/14/11

Egyptian Kyphi/Kapet Incense

 There are many recipes for Kyphi because of translations, and I have bought and tried many Kyphi Incenses, but I believe I hit the nail on the head with this one. Not to say that my way is the only way, but I am beyond proud of it.

Originally I made this for a customer. It was definitely a labor of love. There was more than enough for them, me and enough that I can share it with you! 

Ok, here;s some history on Kyphi. This incense played an important role as a sacred fragrance in many Egyptian ceremonies. It was said that this was the Egyptians favorite incense. It was a celebration to the senses. Kyphi was later used as a medicine by the Greeks
Kyphi produces a beautful full-bodied, rich multi-layered bouquet with a warm, relaxing, sweet, spicy and sensual aroma. I make lots and lots of incenses and they all have their use and help aid me. But I Burn Kyphi as a pick-me-up. I've begun to burn it every evening. I like to give customers free girts with their order. I have giving this incense to a few people and I have gotten so much praise on this. I love it! Your gonna love it too!

This listing is for 1/2 ounce of Kyphi/Kapet Incense. I have left it in crumbles, so you can form whatever sized pills you wish to burn. 

All of my incenses must be burned on charcoal disks.

Oshun/Ochum Oil
Oshun is the Orisha of the "sweet" or fresh waters. She is known for healing the sick, bringing fertility, prosperity and watches over the poor and brings them what they need. Oshun is called "the unseen mother present at every gathering" She is also revered as "Yeye"-great mother of us all.
Oshun is the force of harmony which we see as beauty, feel as love and experience as ecstasy. 
Her special day is Thursday. The number associated with her is 5. Her name comes from the Oshun River in Nigeria. Her colors are yellow and green. Vultures and peacocks are sacred to her. She is totally captivated by all that glitters, especially gold. She loves bells, fans, mirrors, scallop shells, and likes to be offered honey (but be sure to taste it before you offer it), cinnamon, oranges and pumpkins She controls all feminine activity. Her symbol is a fan, comb or mirror. She loves yellow flowers. 

To call upon Her, the proper greeting is, "Ori Ye Ye O". She is identified with the new crescent Moon and Venus. Her favorite places in the home are in the kitchen and bedrooms

Well now that you know a little more about Oshun, let me tell you about this oil made in her honor. It has a floral undertone and is sweet and spicy. It contains the best honey I could find, I thought it only fitting considering all that Oshun has done for my family.
I use this oil during petitions to her on yellow candles, I also wear this oil. When I wear it, I cant help but feel that she's looking over me and I cant help but feeling a bit sensual! 

This will come in the one ounce bottle shown.

All Hallows/Samhain is one of two spirit nights of the year. During this time the thin veil between the worlds is lifted and communicating with loved ones and spirits is optimal at this time. This Incense is made to call and honor the spirits of the ancestors. Not only is this Incense perfect for this holiday, it can be used at anytime of the year to call forth the ancestors when you need help, to answer questions, and such.

Sahumeria Azteca Incense
Sahumeria Azteca Incense has been used for ages in Aztec rituals and Mexican-American folk magick.
Used by many as a general purification incense, It is used to banish unwanted energies from a sacred space, such as harmful spirits and frightens away ghosts.
Many say it is well suited to honor Santa Muerte due to the marigold, rosemary, copal, and frankincense.

You will receive 1/2 ounce of this Incense.

Ive been a very busy girl! Enjoy!

This Touched Me...

Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire,
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?

Be thankful when you don’t know something
For it gives you the opportunity to learn.

Be thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you grow.

Be thankful for your limitations
Because they give you opportunities for improvement.

Be thankful for each new challenge
Because it will build your strength and character.

Be thankful for your mistakes
They will teach you valuable lessons.

Be thankful when you’re tired and weary
Because it means you’ve made a difference.

It is easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are
also thankful for the setbacks.

GRATITUDE can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles
and they can become your blessings.

~ Author Unknown


I figured I would let you know a lil more about myself. Im sarcastic and random as I dont know what. I like to have fun, and sometimes I have to make my own fun. So anyway here's a few things...

  • Brown Sugar & Cinnamon are the ONLY Pop Tarts I will eat.
  • I dont drink soda, at all.
  • I dont eat pork. Not for religious reasons, I just dont like it.
  • I am a fiend for buttered pop corn.
  • I was born April 19th, my twins on September 19th, my youngest on March 19th & the dogs on November 19th.
  • I cuss like a sailor.
  • I LOVE to cook.
  • I used to be a hair stylist.
  • I went to culinary school.
  • I make jewelry to relax.
  • I have a girlfriend. Yes, Im a lesbian.
  • Im bi-racial.
  • I have tattoos and piercings all over.
  • I tend to scare people with the way I look and I think its funny.
  • Every year I end up grabbing the clippers to give myself a bad ass mohawk.
  • Im originally from Baltimore, Maryland.
  • I was bitten by a Great Dane in the face when I was 6, and am a dog lover.
  • I have a sick sense of humor.
  • I LOVE horror movies.
  • Most of my friends are drag queens.
  • Yes, I watch reality shows, cuz I love a good train wreck.
  • I LOVE to read!
  • One day I wish to meet Anne Rice & Dean Koontz.
  • I decorate my house more for Halloween than others do for X-mas.
  • When I have a bad day, I read emails from clients to cheer myself up.
  • I used to design websites for BBWs.
  • The female form is beautiful to me.
  • Im a proud Pagan.
  • I collect tarot decks.
Well, thats all I can think of right now but you know and I know theres more. That was just at the top of my head. =)


Too Many Irons in the Fire...

I've been trying to do 50 things too many everyday. I have all the best intentions in the world, but I swear I dont know how I expect to get all of this done. I keep hearing that there's 24 hours in a day, it's what you do with it that matters...but I have a house to run, 3 teenagers, a girlfriend, my sister, 3 online businesses and products that need to be added to all 3, orders that have to be filled and orders for supplies that have to be made.

I know Im stretching myself thin. All the way around. Sometimes I feel like Im spinning in circles on one hand, on the other Im determined to be there for my family and to build my business. I sometimes find myself so tired that I fall to sleep for 4-6 hours at a time when I really only meant to take a 2 hour nap. I know its my body telling me to slow down. Im just gonna have to find a way to maybe have certain days set aside for this and others for that.

I guess I am just venting. Im always so tired and I feel like Im behind when Im not, I just like to be 3 steps ahead. Im only human, right?

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