All Hallows

All Hallows. All Hallows Eve. Samhain. Halloween. Hallowtide. The Days of the Dead. The Witch's New Year, and many more names. The most wonderfully magickal time of the year. October 31, November 1 & 2 we honor, pray and communicate with those ancestors and friends who have passed on. These days have a much greater meaning than costumes and candy. (Although I do love costumes and candy...) It is believed that the wall between the living and the dead is open, allowing the spirits of the dead (both good and bad) to mingle among the living. 

Many light bonfires to help light the way for aid the newly dead to cross over to the Otherworld.  It is still custom to set a place for the dead at the Samhain feast and tell stories of ancestors. This time of the year is a significant time for divination because of the three Spirit Nights.

I always make a big meal, i bake apple pies or muffins, we all take time for meditation, set lights in the windows and i read the cards. The kids still get to dress up and go trick or treating, I wouldn't deny them that. Along the way I like to leave food at the foot of trees for those that dont have  anyone to set a place for them. 

All and all its a time for introspection. It being the time of the last harvest, and the land starts to go bare you really cant help but think about death or the end of things, thoughts, habits or relationships. You look forward to new beginnings. Give thanks to the Earth for all that its provided...yeah there's definitely much to think about. Sometimes I cant help but have a heavy feeling this time of year. I try my best to be festive and teach my children the old ways. 

On that note I have incense and a few other goodies that I need to be working on so that we will be stocked up. I cant help but tp make, bake and craft this time of year. I dont know what it is, Im just programmed that way I guess.

Many Blessings!

Ok so here goes...

This is my second blog, my last one wasn't backed up and I lost tons and tons of great stuff. No worries, there's nothing wrong with a new start and new beginnings.
Quick introduction Is in order I guess. My name is Megan. I am the proud momma of 3 daughters. I am also a proud pagan. My life has been so much simpler and my eyes are now open to the world now that I have stopped fighting with myself. For years I was trying to be and worship as other thought I should, all the while I knew I had something special that no one wanted to mention. I could do things, I knew things before they happened. I thought I was some kinda freak, especially through the teen years.
Now, I fly many flags. There is just no way to sum it all up in just a few paragraphs. But I know before too long, you will know quite a bit about me, my work, my business, thoughts, recipes all kinds of goodies!
Hang in there, I hope to provide a good read. :)

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